


非合理な熱狂(Irrational Exuberance) Robert Shiller: During Japan’s bubble era, the Nikkei 225 peaked at 38,915 yen in 1989, and real estate prices soared. Shiller attributes this to a “feedback loop,” where rising prices fueled further expectations of gains, drawing in more investors. In his writings, he connects the subsequent crash—marked by sharp declines in stock and land prices—and the prolonged economic stagnation (the “Lost Decades”) to a sudden cooling of investor sentiment.

流動性の罠(Liquidity Trap) Paul Krugman: After the bubble burst, the Bank of Japan (BOJ) adopted a zero-interest-rate policy in 1999, but businesses and households did not increase borrowing, and investment and consumption remained stagnant. Krugman labels this a “Liquidity Trap,” where expectations of future deflation lead economic agents to hoard cash, trapping the economy in a vicious cycle of stagnation. He sees Japan as a modern demonstration of Keynesian “insufficient effective demand.”