Wri&en and directed by Nicolas Winding Refn
Produced by: Art + Vibes for MV Agusta
With Laura Grassi, Stefano Gaeta

Italy, Denmark 2024 | 8 minutes

Venice Film Fes+val Screening Schedule
World Premiere: Saturday, August 31st – 2.30pm at Sala Corinto
Addi+onal screening: Sunday, September 1st – 2.30pm at Astra 1

Tempta’on comes in many shapes and sizes, and giving in to tempta’on o5en lets us crave forgiveness
and absolu’on. But being overcome by desire isn’t necessarily immoral. Some’mes, it just expresses
our aArac’on to beauty. And Beauty is not a Sin. In his inimitable style, Nicolas Winding Refn takes us
along for the ride.

Cast & Crew
Written and directed by Nicolas Winding Refn
Laura Grassi (The Sinner)
Stefano Gaeta (The Priest)
Domenica Lo Surdo (The Boyfriend)
Angelica Verri (Model)
Francesca Maria Nonni Marzano (Model)
Maria ViAoria De Giorgio (Precision Driver)
Veronica Braga (The Mother)